How to Open a Small Business Bank Account
If you’re just starting a business or you have been in business for years, having a dedicated business bank account is essential. A bank account is critical for all financial matters such as business expenses, employee paychecks, taxes, and more. Why do you need a business account? Opening a separate bank account for business transactions…

How Do Savings Accounts Work?
If you are thinking about starting a savings account, it is most likely a great idea! Savings accounts are a great way to do exactly what they say, “save money.” If you have questions about how or why you should open a savings account, you have come to the right place. This article will walk…

How to Open a Bank Account
There are lots of reasons to open a new bank account. Getting your first job, opening a business, or starting a new chapter in your life are all qualifying events. But the task can seem daunting – how much money do you need? Which bank is best? How long does the process take? The first…

Here’s How Much Your Morning Routine Can Cost
How do you get ready for the day? Everyone has their own routine, full of grooming, dressing, and other prep that best prepares them to take in the world, and no two routines are the same. That doesn’t mean there aren’t similarities, however. The exact order, length, tools used, and more differ from person to…

This is How Many Immigrants are Employed in Finance-Related Fields
Foreign-born workers provide a lot of value to many industries across the country. From food prep and serving, healthcare, legal, and education industries, you can find the power of foreign-born workers in any industry. The amount of foreign-born workers becoming employed in our workforce is increasing, which causes a change in foreign-born employment across industries….

Study Finds the Best Cities for Cheap Retirement
Some of the most important factors for living somewhere affordable include the 10-year cost of living, the difference between savings and the cost of living, average rent, mortgage, and more. In addition to all of this, you have to consider personal spending as well. If you think about all of these things, someone…

Personal Finance for Main St
When residents of Main St look for news on how the economy is performed that day, it's often reported in terms of how the "Dow" or the S&P 500 performed that day. So what is the Dow? Ditto for the S&P 500?